Pabst Blue Ribbon Art Competition

All someone had to say was I'd be gettin' a free year's worth of PBR...I'm in...

Dice Magazine

Some times it never hurts to ask to do a project related to something you like. One simple discussion between Matt, the founder of Dice Magazine, and we were off to the races...for the July 2011 cover...

The Evolution of a Motorsports Poster

So first there was the pitch to the Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach in 2009...

From there, they wanted to work with me, so we started doing some comps...

And lets not forget the associated Pro Celebrity Race made famous during the Grand Prix of Long Beach weekend...

And after months of "too plain", "too out there", "too vintage", "too Formula 1", I finally was able to fine tune the poster into what everyone saw at the event...using my inspiration of "What would a modern Steve McQueen race poster look like?"...

The Hootenanny

This was the genesis of my obsession with pulp novel and comic cover art themes. Back in '01, I did my first concert poster (not shown here) for Bill Hardy's Hootenanny show in So Cal. I've been doing the posters for them off and on for the past decade.....which would make me feel old if I sat back and thought about it...


I met the founder of Long Beach's Ink-n-Iron Festival back in '09. We talked, I told him how much I liked his event, and ever since then I've been workin' on the visuals for his show...

Promo Posters

Title kinda speaks for itself. I've found myself drawing pieces for events, random clients, friends, family, and even the occasional self promotion....

Concert Posters

My first foray into the world of posters was doing a pulp novel inspired one-sheet for the Stray Cats. I had so much fun with it, I'd ask my buddies in bands if I could sketch up a poster for their shows....FOR FREE!! After a while, people just started asking me to do some work for them, with the additional previously unheard of benefits of financial rewards...

Car Culture Posters

I've been fortunate enough through the years to get the chance to partner with some of my favorite companies in the motorsports world, car shows, and their associated brands. From Barris to Dodge to Hot Wheels to STP, if there is something I never get tired of, its sketchin' up a great ride built the way I wanna see it...

Movie Posters

My buddies at Boiling Point Creative asked me to do a propaganda-style comp for Sony's Southland Tales a few back. I thought I'd put my thinking cap on and go outside of the realm of traditional movie posters.

Then a buddy was working on a documentary about the Orange County Mafia, a bunch of surfers who were in the acid trade.